Rare animals among endangered species
1-Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis)
is one of the rare animals among endangered species
from the “Saola Working Group” believe that this ungulate native to the
mountains of Laos and Vietnam is one of the rarest large animals in the
world. The loss of habitat and the lack of interest in its conservation are,
according to the Group, the main threats to the existence of this magnificent
bovid. Specialists strive to keep the species alive and also maintain that with
proper care, its disappearance can be halted.
2 -Cuban painted snail (Polymita
picta) is considered rare animals among endangered species
to near extinction by poachers who sell them to make jewelry, these large,
brightly colored land snails were listed as endangered in 2012. With eyes
literally popping out of their heads, these hermaphrodites use their shells to
attract their sexual partners.
3 -Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita),
also known as one of rare animals
4 -Plowshare turtle (Astrochelys yniphora)
from rare animals
500 of these animals remain in the wild in Madagascar, and the extinction of
Astrochelys yniphora, the world's most endangered tortoise, could occur within
the next ten years. Fortunately, efforts intensified to save her. The Turtle
Conservancy and the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust are working with local
communities to end poaching, recover animals from illegal collections and place
them in breeding programs.
5 -Greater bamboo lemur (Hapalemur simus) can
be cosidered as rare animal
are only 250 of these Madagascar lemurs with ears in tufts of white hair and
weighing about 3 kilos (6 pounds). Like the panda, it feeds exclusively on
bamboo, which makes it extremely vulnerable to the degradation and destruction
of the tropical rainforest in which it lives; it was also intensely hunted. The
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and other organizations work to protect its habitat
and discourage local people from hunting it.
6 -Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus
mocinno) is a rare animal
numbers of these extravagantly plumaged green and red birds are rapidly
declining in the mountains of Central America; poachers, who sell them as pets,
and habitat loss are the main reasons for this decline. Mayan and Aztec
aristocrats and clergy once adorned themselves with the feathers of this sacred
bird during ceremonies, National Geographic tells us. Good news , however:
their success with birdwatchers could help restore their local status and
ultimately preserve them.
7 -Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus
sumatrensis) is rare animals
is the smallest of all rhinos (1.20 meters – 4 feet – high for only 700 to 800
kilos on average), and it is the only one to have two horns. Like most of its
cousins, it is critically endangered. Two subspecies are struggling to survive
in West and East Sumatra, while a third has disappeared, according to the WWF.
Sumatran Rhino Rescue is working to round up the remaining 80 individuals
living in the wild and bring them to sanctuaries where they would be safe from
poaching and where they could breed – efforts that would benefit all rhino species.
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